Yoga 101 – Begin with the Basics

To begin with yoga as a part of your daily life, it is essential to know all the details and to clear off the misconception you might have in your head. Its value itself lies in the fact that people from all over the world have been practicing it. It promotes a stabilized development of physique, mental and spiritual beings. Yoga is practiced differently and comes under Asthanga Yoga, utilizing the eight limbs to purify bodywork, intellect, and soul. In order to develop various aspects of human personality, you must know the eight limbs of yoga and perform them accordingly. This includes Yama, niyama, asana, pranayama, pratyahara, dharna, Dhyana and samadhi. The best part of yoga is that anyone and everyone can practice it, irrespective of age. If you are planning to start with yoga classes in Dubai, you must know the following.

Types Of Yoga

“Hatha yoga” is a balanced act of stature and breathing movement. “Ashtanga” is a set of continuous yoga merged with philosophy. “Power Yoga” is an advanced yoga that focuses on strength building. “Vinyasa” involves balance. “Iyengar” makes the utilization of props. “Restorative” concentrates on relaxation. “Yin” focuses on stretching exercises.

Usage Of Props

The usage of elements enhances the quality of the overall yoga experience. The props recommended for beginners include yoga blocks for balance and support, pillows and bolsters for extra cushioning during restorative poses, straps to help deepen stretch without harming the back, and yoga mats to avoid any pain due to the hard floors.

Usage Of Props

Tips For Beginners

Firstly, consult your respective physician before yoga, especially if you have a history of certain ailments that might hamper the practice. Secondly, perform easy poses, don’t push your body. Next, don’t rush, as the plus side of yoga will be visible progressively with more practice. Be patient and focus on breathing. Also, find your comfort style of yoga which suits you.


Yoga practices recharge the body and facilitate blood flow, helps in the attainment of equilibrium and peace, promotes healing, removes negative energy and toxins from the body, and improves personality and self-awareness. It helps maintain focus and attention, especially for children studying. Moreover, it reduces self-awareness from the body and activates parasympathetic systems and helps deal with depression and other mental illnesses.  In all, it rejuvenates the system and also helps maintain good skin. Yoga for beginners in Dubai is on the rise among health enthusiasts.